Friday 3 February 2017

Journals and Journalling

Thank you for your encouraging comments on my last post - cheered me up no end.

I make my own journals and notebooks. I love making them and get a lot of pleasure from this hobby. The time has come for me to now actually write in more of these journals. They're no good just sitting on the shelf looking pretty. So I've started keeping a journal - not necessarily daily - more a place to keep my thoughts and jots, and a few drawings and quotations I've found along the way.

The one on the bottom of this pile is my Christmas journal, where I keep lists of gifts given yearly, things to do, places I've been, meals I've cooked and such like.

The next one up is my Commonplace book. Here I jot down quotes or poems I've heard or read by famous people, authors, actors etc. If any of you watch First Dates on the tv, I even jot down the love and life quotes that Fred the Maitre d' and restaurant manager often says.

The third one up is the book I take to church to keep notes of the Sermon and any bible scriptures I've enjoyed.

The brown leather book is my travel notebook, which I lined with a map of the area where I live. Useful for days out and holidays - a sketch or poem recalling where I've been - to the beach - countryside - places of interest etc.

The ones on top are waiting for a suitable theme to be catered for and I have a few ideas waiting in the wings.

Bullet journals (bujos) and planners seem to be the thing of the moment (although why I'd want to plan and bullet when I mop the floor, clean the microwave and put the laundry on I'll never know)  but I can see that this format must suit a lot of people who lead busy lives.

So, for the moment at least, I'm quite happy just pootling along with my mutterings and jottings and occasional sketches - it keeps me happy.

Have a great weekend.
P x

Wednesday 1 February 2017

Saying goodbye to January

February, for me this year is the new January! To say that January was a bad month is an understatement. I won't go into the finer details but suffice it to say I'm quite glad it's behind me now.

So, I don't as a rule make resolutions but this is the year that the hubster and I reach a certain age ending with a 0.  I've decided, in view of recent happenings and events that life is too short for faffing around and not doing anything positive. No I'm not going to do a wing walk or jump out of an aeroplane, in fact as yet I haven't thought of anything that could be that adventurous but .... who knows?

 Happy February friends
Spring is on the way!!

Afternoon Walk

Oh we did have a lovely walk today taking in the beauty of the countryside. The hedgerows and fields were brimming with spectacular blooms a...