Monday 22 July 2024

Keeping dry on a wet day

Morning all. What a difference a day makes. Woke up to a misty, moisty morning with no sign of it getting any brighter. The hills are most definitely not alive today. Fortunately it’s very cosy in our campervan and I’ve brought plenty of things to read and do, including my mini paint set and my handmade sketchbook. I’d seen it on Instagram and simply had to have one - like you do!

I did wonder if it would really do the job. It did  ðŸ˜Š

enjoy creating, especially art. I’m not an artist, per se, but art journalling gives me a thrill (unless it goes horribly wrong) which it often does! Anyway, I have fun. Which is what it’s all about isn’t it?

Have a good day and I’ll catch up again soon. P x

Saturday 20 July 2024

Connecting with nature


Hello again. We’re away at the moment in our campervan in Sussex on the South Downs. Beautiful site, very peaceful and the weather could not be better. Lots of walking and plenty of fresh air. 

I’m not a lover of the heat but I’ll always find a shady spot to relax and read a book or two. My husband on the other hand can’t sit still and you’ll often find him washing and waxing our camper - in the midday sun!! It can’t be done at home as we keep it on a farm several miles away, so he takes the opportunity when we’re away. 

I love the outside life and connecting with nature.  

I’ll be back again soon. P

Monday 15 July 2024


I’m afraid I lapsed over the last 18 months. Not sure why or how but it happened nevertheless. Drawn a line underneath that and now look forward to getting to know you again and meeting new bloggers.

I’m hoping there’s not been too many changes to the site but I’m eager to give it another go. 

I’ll start off with my garden, which certainly had its fair share of rain this last few months. Mind you, everything is looking so green and fresh. We’ve found that by keeping our eye on it during the winter months and doing the odd bits of pruning, lessens the huge backlog in the Spring. We love spending time in our garden and enjoy the silence and birdsong.

That’s all for now.  See you soon P

Sunday 15 January 2023

Saving on power

Hello all and hope you’ve enjoyed a good weekend.

In the light of rising fuel costs I’ve been using my air fryer, slow cooker and microwave to cut down on expenses. Today I excelled myself by cooking my complete Sunday roast in the air fryer and microwave. I have to add that I have a spare air fryer that we use in our campervan which came in very useful..

It was an absolute doddle and saved on washing up as well as time. From start to finish was 35 minutes including the yorkies and sage and onion stuffing. Happy days  

Bye for now and have a good week Px

Tuesday 10 January 2023

Rain, rain go away…..


We are having such awfully wet weather here in the UK. In fact it’s been raining more or less on and off since the New Year. It’s so miserable and confining, as we can’t get out in the garden to do anything. We had so much hot and dry weather last summer that it really put paid to our lawn - it’s virtually dead. 

Anyway here’s a couple of photos from more sunny climes just to add a bit of colour to a dreary day and inspiration for a drier Spring.

Be back again soon Px

Wednesday 4 January 2023

A new start

Hello to anyone who has just found me. I blogged years ago but I lapsed.  So at the moment I'm floundering around trying to remember the key elements of fonts, photos and all the other paraphernalia involved in posting - bear with me is all I ask.

I dabble in writing poetry and quotes, in various forms, nothing grand but I find it relaxing.  I also enjoy journalling and I have a couple of Instagram accounts, so it goes without saying that photography also features in my interests.

I love cooking and enjoy trying out new recipes. I’ve been cobbling together lots of recipes over the years from friends, family and colleagues so that maybe one day I might write a book about the memories they evoke.

Thanks for reading this and I’ll be back soon. P

Tuesday 5 February 2019

Springing forward...

Looking forward to Spring now after a dreary and bitterly cold few weeks/months. My favourite season has always been Autumn but I'm beginning to relish the thought of some warmer weather - March is only three and a bit weeks away now so onwards and upwards.
Talking of which, it was a year ago in March that I was here last - how time flies! As per usual I really do intend being here more often, well at least weekly to begin with. 

I've been enjoying crafting this last year - more so than ever before. 

I'm still paper crafting and making journals and more recently have been practicing the art of Modern Calligraphy using a dip pen and ink. When I say practicing - I mean practicing and they say that it does make for perfect.  We'll see!  I've been writing a bit of poetry too, as well as some quotes - I do love a quote.

I still enjoy my cooking.  I've been doing a lot of batch cooking for the freezer recently. I find it so handy always being able to put my hands on a ready made meal if we've been out for the day or been busy in the garden.

So that was a quick update on the comings and goings in my life.  More to come.

"Today's dreams are tomorrow's creations" 

See you soon and take care
 P x

Keeping dry on a wet day

Morning all. What a difference a day makes. Woke up to a misty, moisty morning with no sign of it getting any brighter. The hills are most d...