Tuesday 5 February 2019

Springing forward...

Looking forward to Spring now after a dreary and bitterly cold few weeks/months. My favourite season has always been Autumn but I'm beginning to relish the thought of some warmer weather - March is only three and a bit weeks away now so onwards and upwards.
Talking of which, it was a year ago in March that I was here last - how time flies! As per usual I really do intend being here more often, well at least weekly to begin with. 

I've been enjoying crafting this last year - more so than ever before. 

I'm still paper crafting and making journals and more recently have been practicing the art of Modern Calligraphy using a dip pen and ink. When I say practicing - I mean practicing and they say that it does make for perfect.  We'll see!  I've been writing a bit of poetry too, as well as some quotes - I do love a quote.

I still enjoy my cooking.  I've been doing a lot of batch cooking for the freezer recently. I find it so handy always being able to put my hands on a ready made meal if we've been out for the day or been busy in the garden.

So that was a quick update on the comings and goings in my life.  More to come.

"Today's dreams are tomorrow's creations" 

See you soon and take care
 P x

Afternoon Walk

Oh we did have a lovely walk today taking in the beauty of the countryside. The hedgerows and fields were brimming with spectacular blooms a...