Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Catching my breath

Welcome to my new follower Joy and apologies for not saying hi before now.
This is just a quickie to put you in the picture.

This picture says it all and - yes it is and - no I'm not!

It's that time of the month, when all my month's reading and studying comes to fruition and I have to get the dreaded essay out by Thursday. Hence all has been quiet for the last week. The diet's gone out of the window, the exercise has stopped, shopping abandoned and my blogging has slowed down. I kid you not - my desk says it all.

At the weekend, after the essay has winged its way through the clouds to the OU and I've cleared the desk, sorted the house and caught up with family and friends as well as my breath, it's back to the drawing board and I make a start on the next one on Monday morning - due in five weeks. Don't get me wrong I love it and it's my choice to do this, but sometimes would just like a tiny break before it all begins again.


  1. I know it's really hard work but it will all be worth it in the end. You seem to be doing so well with everything.

    1. Thankyou Anne - the essay's gone now thank goodness.

  2. My daughter would know exactly what you mean - she's doing a psychology degree with OU. She has an exam in June and was saying last week how glad she is that she gets a break then until the next module starts in October. It's her first break in 2 years.

    1. My exam is in June too Rowan. Hope your daughter does well. Some of these modules start Feb and some Oct and I have been in that same scenario where you don't get a summer break. This year I will though!

  3. I hate working to deadlines - will be thinking of you over the next two days! Jx

    1. Thankyou Jan. I always say I work better under pressure - I'm beginning to think I can't!:)

  4. Oh, I remember it all so well. All those assigments that had to be in on time:) I did a degree with the OU it was a hard 6 years of work but worth it. I did it in the 80s so no computers I had to hand write or type my esays and get them in the post:)

    1. Thanks for your comment Rosie. I know it'll be worth it in the end. I'm not sure about hand writing an assignment though - am so used to cutting and pasting!

  5. My favorite is your black and white photo - how lucky for you to catch the sun at just the right moment.


    1. Yes it was just a fluke. I couldn't have done it if I'd tried!

  6. Love the picture,good luck with the deadlines,take care,love juliex

    1. Ah thankyou Julie - it's gone now and I can relax a little :)


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