Monday 1 December 2014


As a rule I don't put any decs out or tree up until at least the first weekend in December, a little later if I can get away with it. However as it's the 1st today and I made this lovely Advent Calendar at my blogging friend Sandie's workshop last month, I really needed to put it on show today in my dining room. So here's a little sneak preview.

Each little house is individually cut

and decorated in whichever way we wished

it's all joined together at the back with ribbon

It was such good fun and we let our imagination run away with us

So - as this is the start of Advent and the Christmas Spirit
has crept up on me

maybe I will get those decs out after all!

I dare anyone to touch it - let alone breathe on it - as I had a tad trouble
keeping it upright on my polished sideboard

Have a great week everyone. See you soon.


  1. That's a wonderful advent calendar, Patricia! It must have taken ages to complete. It's hard to believe we have arrived at the beginning of December already. Time to haul the decorations out of our crawl space and set them up for another year. :-)

    1. Thankyou Kristie. Yes it was a bit fiddly but I got there in the end. x

  2. Lovely decoration and a great idea. Where has the time gone and going, better get my skates on.

    1. Thankyou DC. I can't believe where November went, it's just flown by. x

  3. It's beautiful. I hope everyone appreciates all your hard work!

    1. Thankyou Sara. I'm just going to have to say 'look but don't touch'! x

  4. what a wonderful advent calender,
    wish you a wonderful week,

    1. Thankyou Regina and thanks for visiting my blog, nice to meet you.

  5. Absolutely fab u lous Sis. Definitely an Heirloom piece . X

    1. Thanks Barb. Are you blogging yet as not sure how you found my post? Hope you do soon. See you for our scrapbook challenge on Thursday. X

  6. What a clever idea - and I love the musical theme in some of the houses. Jx

    1. Thanks Jan. I love anything with a music score and use it often when crafting. x

  7. That is so lovely, the little house are so sweet!
    I'm feeling unusually festive this year and itching to get some decorations out which I don't normally do until around 2 weeks before xmas. Suzy x

    1. Thanks Suzy. I must admit I've been so busy recently that I've not had time to think about Christmas but it's December and I really have to get my act together! x

  8. Well done on getting it finished Pat. It looks lovely, I'm glad you are pleased with it and are now able to show it off!

    1. Thanks Sandie, I'm really pleased with the end result and may do another one for the grandchildren. x

    2. Patricia, it turned out wonderful. I love all the little details . . . the buttons, lace, ribbons, ric-rac . . . all of it.
      Very charming:)

    3. Thankyou Connie, it was fun to make. x

  9. Replies
    1. Thankyou Louise. I'm not sure how I had the patience to see it through though!

  10. What a lovely project you have made Patricia.. Your Advent calender turned out so so nice, very different and original.
    They look super on your lovely sideboard.
    I too dont start to decorate until around the 6th..
    I am getting things together . I am going for a different theme this year. working on it during this week.
    wishing you a happy 1st week December.
    val xxx

    1. Thanks Val. Fortunately it's still standing, but I'm going to have to dust the sideboard soon so fingers crossed! Enjoy your decorating. X

  11. Just beautiful!! I hope they all stay stood up as they look so lovely. xx

    1. Thanks Amy. I'd like to make another one for the grandchildren but not sure I'll have the patience! x

  12. I love the look of your calendar, what a great idea.

  13. Your calendar is adorable. I really like the way the houses are all a little different. I have a decoration that is somewhat similar with family photos on it, and it's been standing for over five years on top of my hutch, where I keep it year-round (it isn't Christmassy), so yours could last a long time too. :)

    1. Thanks Jennifer. I'd never seen one like it before but really enjoyed making it. A bit fiddly at times though. x

  14. What a delightful calendar you have made Patricia. It looks so pretty standing along your sideboard. You must be very pleased with your handiwork. I love the bits of ribbon and braid, lace and music. xx

    1. Thanks Patricia. It was great to use my imagination and a bit like being a child again playing with all the glue and glitzy bits. x

  15. That's a love idea for an advent calender...this year has flown by! :o) x

    1. Thank you Julie. Yes I don't know where it's gone. P x

  16. It's lovely! I can see why it's hard to stand up though. Maybe it needs a couple of 'legs' fixed on the back somehow.

    1. Thank you. Yes I did try with some little stands at the back and it did help. P x

  17. It's lovely, Patricia - such a clever idea. I hope it stands up all the way to the 24th:)

    1. Thanks Rosie. It is rather unique isn't it. It's still standing and hopefully it'll remain so! P x

  18. Your advent calender is wonderful I love all the unique houses! I hope it is still standing. Sarah x

    1. Thanks Sarah. Yes it is at the moment. When it goes down it's like dominoes collapsing along the line! P x

  19. This is beautiful, Patricia! Well done and be careful it doesn't become an obsession! I went through a stage a few years ago making these lovely card houses - in fact I bought a book about it, can't remember what it's called - and they are such great vehicles for paper art. Bootiful! as they say here in Norfolk! Lxx

    1. Ah thanks Lynne. I'm already obsessed I'm afraid. I'm into bookbinding and journal making with a vengeance. Everywhere I go, I just happen to stumble upon a craft shop that sells the most beautiful craft paper you can imagine, and of course I just have to have it. Building up a bit of a stash now methinks! P x

  20. What an adorable advent calender Patricia! I just started putting out my decorations yesterday only to have a bad attack last night after doing too much. *sigh* Oh only proved I need to cut back again. DH said Christmas is becoming a way to measure how I my health is progressing or not as it may be. But I say get those decorations out and start slowly bringing in the festive season. Key word for myself to

    I have been so out of touch and really enjoyed stopping in for a visit today.

    Hugs from Holland,

    1. How lovely to hear from you Heidi. Thank you for popping by and leaving a comment. I have been wondering how you are for a while now. Hope you get your decorating done but take care not to overdo it.
      Patricia x

  21. How unusual and very creative ......xx

  22. I think it's a lot of fun when you belong to a group and do crafts together which is something I haven't done since I helped at a women's drop-in centre in my home town before coming to Sheffield. A new year resolution to join a crafting group perhaps? I like the creativity of decorating each house differently on your Advent Calendar. You have a lovely long sideboard to display it.

  23. What a gorgeous Advent calendar. I'm afraid mine is electronic this year.


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