Friday 27 January 2017

A stroll through the woodland and country park

Last weekend we took a stroll through our local country park which we frequent quite often.  The weather was sunny but very cold so we donned boots and thick coats and spent a pleasant afternoon taking in the nature around us.

The walk took us through this wooded copse and out onto the open woodland and Hadleigh Castle that overlooks the River Thames.

I wonder if anyone's at home?

It didn't take long before a light mist started enveloping the surrounding 
hills and the sun was beginning to lose its strength, so no river view today

We are so fortunate to live where we do. Ten minutes away from the coast and downs, and yet only about 15 minutes from open countryside. Plus the added bonus of only being a 45 minute drive into London.

This pond was completely frozen over

As we came away the sun was just going down

So homeward bound for a well deserved hot cuppa.

Hope you all have a great weekend. P x

Thursday 26 January 2017

Batch cooking

Thank you for all your lovely comments on my recent post  and for welcoming me back into the 'blogging fold' again

I spent yesterday afternoon doing a bit of batch cooking. I do this once or twice a week and love that I can just dip into my freezer at any time and pull something out at a moments notice and heat it up within minutes. 

Chilli con Carne

Sliced potato topped fish bake

Lasagne - enough for six (friends round for supper soon)

We don't buy ready meals so this suits us when arriving home late or I simply don't feel like cooking!! Now that the weather has turned pretty cold here in the UK, these'll warm the cockles of your heart!

Bye for now, Px

Monday 23 January 2017

It's all about books

Sitting here at my desk, keyboard at the ready, I'm looking for inspiration for my first blog post of the year which has been a long time coming. So, I'm glancing at my book case, crammed with all manner of reading matter. I love books, can't get enough of them. The trouble is there's only so many you can house at any one time.

This is just a small bookcase, there's another much larger one in my sitting room, one in my entrance hallway, one in the kitchen, one in my study upstairs and various nooks and crannies. Not forgetting those on my my bedside table and a great pile of books dying to be read on the floor beside my bed.

If on occasion I do take the trouble to go into town to dispose of a few books in the local charity shop - guess what - I bring another armful home with me!!

Well that broken the ice for my long awaited (by me) fingers on my keyboard once again. I must say it is very relaxing and a lovely way to spend time on a damp and foggy afternoon.

Back again soon folks.  P x

Afternoon Walk

Oh we did have a lovely walk today taking in the beauty of the countryside. The hedgerows and fields were brimming with spectacular blooms a...