Sunday 15 January 2023

Saving on power

Hello all and hope you’ve enjoyed a good weekend.

In the light of rising fuel costs I’ve been using my air fryer, slow cooker and microwave to cut down on expenses. Today I excelled myself by cooking my complete Sunday roast in the air fryer and microwave. I have to add that I have a spare air fryer that we use in our campervan which came in very useful..

It was an absolute doddle and saved on washing up as well as time. From start to finish was 35 minutes including the yorkies and sage and onion stuffing. Happy days  

Bye for now and have a good week Px

Tuesday 10 January 2023

Rain, rain go away…..


We are having such awfully wet weather here in the UK. In fact it’s been raining more or less on and off since the New Year. It’s so miserable and confining, as we can’t get out in the garden to do anything. We had so much hot and dry weather last summer that it really put paid to our lawn - it’s virtually dead. 

Anyway here’s a couple of photos from more sunny climes just to add a bit of colour to a dreary day and inspiration for a drier Spring.

Be back again soon Px

Wednesday 4 January 2023

A new start

Hello to anyone who has just found me. I blogged years ago but I lapsed.  So at the moment I'm floundering around trying to remember the key elements of fonts, photos and all the other paraphernalia involved in posting - bear with me is all I ask.

I dabble in writing poetry and quotes, in various forms, nothing grand but I find it relaxing.  I also enjoy journalling and I have a couple of Instagram accounts, so it goes without saying that photography also features in my interests.

I love cooking and enjoy trying out new recipes. I’ve been cobbling together lots of recipes over the years from friends, family and colleagues so that maybe one day I might write a book about the memories they evoke.

Thanks for reading this and I’ll be back soon. P

Afternoon Walk

Oh we did have a lovely walk today taking in the beauty of the countryside. The hedgerows and fields were brimming with spectacular blooms a...